Jugbert's Container

Meet Bintle of the Jug!

  • It's Bintle of the jug!
  • He's still there.
  • You're not going to get a reaction out of him if that's what you want...
  • I'm not sure what you're expecting. He's in a jug.
  • He doesn't like it, but he's in there. Are you still here?
  • Not much he could even do.
  • That does beg the question, does he want out? He does look angry.
  • He hasn't said anything, so other people have to speak for him, for now anyway.
  • Okay, this is the end of the dialog now, so you can do something else. There aren't any more lines after this. 🙂
  • Aha! You didn't fall for it! Lots of people did. A really embarassing number.
  • Ring ring hello? It's the embodiment of Rizz on the line. How's it go?
  • I'm the embodiment of Rizz, not Staying Power. I can't do this forever. Places to be, yall! Anyway, this is really the last one.
  • ...
  • Feels like an insult to my honour that you're still here.
  • Like you wouldn't believe me even if i was telling the truth.
  • Well i will tell the truth, then. Just for you. My little truth enthusiast.
  • He's angry now, but he actually likes the jug. It's the life for him. There's a sense of security about it, and he secretly loves the pity people give him for his current state.
  • Okay, happy?
  • This is the final one.
  • Really.
  • Final line of dialog, coming NOW!
  • ...do you not believe me?
  • Lookie lookie, where is my bookie? I want to place a bet. A bet that you're going to stay much longer than you think you will.
  • You wouldn't believe me, no matter what i say now.
  • That's alright. It's all alright. You're not a problem.
  • I want you to commit to something. Pick one stupid, random, inconsequential thing to do. Could be flipping a coin, could be checking the time. It needs to be easy.
  • Got it? Do that every day. Choose to, not out of obligation, but as an exercise of your will.
  • Twenty-eight lines of dialog. You're still here? I admire it, actually.
  • Can't wait for the next Bintle Bomb-Shell of Lore, can you?
  • Well that's fine. But you won't get it. The next line is the final one.
  • This line is really the last one. There are really no other ones. You can click off now if you want. This is the last one.
  • ...maybe one more.
  • 🙂